Thursday, April 9, 2009

Looking at the problems as gifts!

I have spent my whole spring break trying to find freedom! Actually, I think I've spent many of my adult years in this search. I guess the best thing is to begin at the beginning.....or the beginning as I know it.

As an infant, I was abandoned on a doorrstep. I didn't know this until I was in my early 30's. From growing up knowing that I was adopted, to learning that I was just left outside for anyone to find, this was, needless to say, a leap!

I was adopted into the home of a family with, how should I say this, "connections."

There I grew up with a brother, who was also adopted and also abandoned! We both suffered years of abuse which I know has made me a strong person. I guess strong in the resilient sort of way.

Let me jump ahead! Once I finished graduate school and became a psychotherapist I really felt that life was ahead of me! I've always loved to work with people and help them so I knew that I chose the right profession. I have also always wanted to make more money to help with the animal and child abuse causes that I'm interested in too. Of course, I also wanted to create some freedom for myself along the way!

I planned that this spring break would be totally dedicated to research! I wanted to find a company to work with that would allow me to provide more money to donate to the causes I love and also create some financial security & freedom for me. Along with many of you, I too have been hit by the recession.

So, that brings me rapidly up to now! I have read and read and spent the past six days investigating ideas! I had always felt that I "missed the boat" somehow and never found an opportunity that would work for me. I was tired of trying things and bothering friends and relatives! I quickly learned that people steer away when you try to sell them something!! That kind of thing just isn't for me anyway! So I know I didn't want anything like that. With my schedule, I knew that I wanted was to have a totally internet based business. No more contacting fiends and relatives. A business that I could grow 24/7! When I found the company that has had tremendous success, that other large companies (i.e. Yahoo, UPS, Intel, Pay Pal and more!) are hooked up with, and are listed among the fasted growing companies, I relaized that I had found something. I would always wonder why I didn't "get in on something" that was computer related. After all, look at the money being made on the internet by so many people! Did you ever feel that you had missed out on the .com boom? I felt like I missed out on a lot of "boom's"! Well, there is a domain company to look at. Please go to my web site and look at it and write and let me know what you think. For once, I am excited to truly have a future ahead of me! My site is:
I can not only help myself but also provide money for children and animals! That is so exciting!! Check it out! Don't forget to let me know what you think! Oh, by the way, there is no cost to look!